Monday, May 13, 2013

Surviving the Office

I spend my work week in an office with 10-15 colleges, depending on the day. Working in an office environment definiently has its perks, (a set schedule, air conditioning, and co-workers near by to chat with, just to name a few) but also has its downfalls. For me the largest downfall was learning to adjust to spending 8 hours a day with so many people, and in front of a computer. In doing so, I've found some helpful tips to survive office life and avoid the ruts and pitfalls that so many fall into.

1. Hand Sanitizer is Your Friend
It is crazy how quickly a cold or flu spreads in an office. I fell victim to one of the illnesses that traveled from co-worker to co-worker and after that week I realized how important it is to stay sanitized! I wash my hands every time before I eat, and in between I sanitize after being away from my desk or using common items such as the fax, copier, or envelope sealer. That is my daily routine, but when someone is actually sick in the office I step it up by using sanitizing wipes on all the machines and wiping down my desk daily. So far it's been working for me, I have avoided the last three bouts of illness going around.
2. Literally Pick Yourself Up
Get up! So often I find myself half asleep at that 2-3pm slump and I crash. This is when I wish I liked coffee, sadly though it's not my thing. After sitting and working for so long, you hit a wall. I used to fight this by snacking on chips, cookies, popcorn, or whatever I had. Do not fall into this trap! Get up! When I start hitting that wall now I stand up, stretch, and take a short walk around the office. This wakes up your mind and has the same effect having a snack or soda would (for me anyway). Another perk: you don',t feel guilty for consuming the extra calories at the end of the day. I also try walking on my lunch break near my office, after I don't feel the slump hit me quite as early as if I just sit at lunch or run errands.
3. Make Plans
Having something to look forward to during the week really impacts my outlook at work that day. It could be dinner with friends, trying a new recipe I found, or meeting up with people and working out, any plans help me perk up! Knowing you will be out later helps you stay focused and the day pass quicker. Don't wait for the weekend to have all your fun, space out events throughout the week so you have more to look forward to!
4. Avoid the Drama
The most surprising thing I noticed my first week on the job: an office environment is high school for adults. Spending so much time with one another, with so many personalities, seems to breed gossip. College, my experience at least, was completely different and I was not expecting these high school situations to relapse into my life. My best advice in dealing with this? Stay out of best you can. No matter how tempting it is. This is not to say avoid it entirely. The social scene is vital in an office environment, people help people they like. Just be careful not to invest too full in what others are saying about one another. And always remember: if they talk to you about someone, they are probably talking about you to someone.
5. Set Daily Goals
These goals can be work related or in your personal life. I try to set work goals at the start of each day once I evaluate my work load for that day. When I want to finish things, how much I want to accomplish, and so on. This helps me stay on track and avoid becoming overwhelmed. I also set goals for accomplishments outside of work. Typically these are small such as walking my dog, cleaning up my room, laundry or knocking out a goal on my "must organize" list. These small attainable goals make me feel accomplished and keep me motivated.

I hope these tips help, let me know some things you rely on to survive your work week!

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters" 
Colossians 3:23

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